Historic Palermo, Sicily Walking Tour Highlights in One Day

by Trudy Wendelin, L.Ac
Palermo Sicily Cathedral

Ancient Palermo is one of Europe’s leading travel destinations.  The city offers a crossroads of cultures in a unique blend of architecture, food and art.  It boasts among the top number of UNESCO World Heritage sites and being the birthplace of delicious cannoli.   I planned and enjoyed this Palermo Sicily Walking Tour highlights in one day.  So, read on to see how to make this happen. 

About Palermo, Sicily


Palermo is the capital city of Sicily, lying on the northwest coast’s Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea.  Palermo is surrounded by a mountain range named after the city and filled with palm trees.  The nearby Monte Pellegrino overlooks the city standing at 600 m (2,000 ft). The main languages of Palermo are the Italian and Palermitano dialect of the Sicilian language.  Roman Catholicism is the main religion.  The Patron Saint of Palermo is Santa Rosalia, celebrated on Feast Day in July. 

This ancient city is known for its incredible history, architecture and culture.  The Phoenicians found it in 734 BC, linking it to Carthage.  Later, it became occupied by Greek colonies, Roman Republic, Arabs and Normans.  This blend of cultures influenced the food, architecture, music and art.  It’s the main seat of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalu and Monreale

Palermo holds a lot of superlatives, just to name a few.  It’s Europe’s second largest historical center, boasts the highest number of UNESCO sites, most conquered city in history and the birthplace of cannoli. 

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Palmero Sicily Walking Tour
Highlights in One Day

Corso Vittorio Emanuele (oldest road in city)

Starting at the Quattro Canti, take the Corso Vittorio Emanuele to the following iconic sites all along this oldest road in the city.  Then, backtrack to the Quattro Canti and take Via Maqueda to the Teatro Massimo and Archeological Museum.

Quattro Canti (Four Corners)

Quattro Canti

Built in the 17th century by Spanish Viceroys, this Baroque square is the center of the historic quarters of Palermo.  Here, the 2 main streets, Via Maqueda and the Corso Vittorio Emanuele (oldest road in city) intersect.  The gorgeous square is octagonal with the 4 streets and remaining 4 half-circle shaped facades reaching 4 stories.  Each façade includes a fountain, representing 1 of 4 seasons with statues of a Spanish ruler and female patron saint of Palermo.  Also, at this intersection are the corners of all 4 ancient quarters of Palermo:  Castellammare (NE), Albergaria (NW), Kalsa (SE) and Seralcadi (SW). 

Quattro Canti

This is a spectacular introduction to the historic district.  From the Quattro Canti, take Corso Vittorio Emanuele , a pedestrian road for shopping, restaurants and iconic landmarks. 

Fontana Pretoria
Palermo Sicily Walking Tour

Fontana Pretoria

Walking towards the Palermo Cathedral on the Corso Vittorio Emanuele , you will soon notice stairs on the left taking you up to the Piazza Pretoria.  Here, you see the Fontana Pretoria built by a Florentine architect in 1554 and later transferred to Palermo.  The marble fountain portrays statues of the 12 Olympians from ancient Greek Mythology.  Other statues symbolize the rivers and animals of Palermo. 

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Admiral

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Admiral

Next to the Piazza Pretoria is the Piazza Bellini.  This dramatic square showcases the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Admiral.  It portrays the cross-cultural influences in its architectural styles.  The Baroque façade features a Romanesque belltower and Byzantine dome.  Inside, the dome dazzles with its golden mosaic of Christ with a ceiling filled with colorful frescos. 

Palermo Cathedral

Palermo Cathedral

Getting back on the Cassaro road nearby is the grandiose Palermo Cathedral. Built in the 12th century, this Roman Catholic Church is dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin Mary.   Once again, the amalgamation of influences display in styles of Norman, Islamic, Gothic, Neoclassical and Baroque.  Notable features are the portico side entrance with ornate columns and frescoes along with the treasure chamber.  Inside, the treasure displays artifacts from different periods of the church. 

Bonanno Villa

Bonanno Villa

This city park is located between the Palermo Cathedral and monumental Porta Nuova.  It’s an incredible green space to unwind between all the architectural landmarks.  The picturesque garden offers palm trees, fountains, flowers, Art Nouveau buildings and sculptures.

Palace of the Normans and Palatine Chapel
Palermo Sicily Walking Tour

The Palazzo dei Normanni or Royal Palace served as the main seat for the Kings of Sicily.  Created in the 9th century, it’s the oldest royal palace in Europe.  It’s part of the Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalu and Monreale.  Its central courtyard is a notable part of the exterior with ornate stone arches.  Overall, the Norman and Moorish influences combine into a unique style. 

Palatine Chapel, Palermo Sicily
Palatine Chapel Byzantine Art

Connected to the Palace of the Normans, the Palatine Chapel is a well-preserved legacy of Byzantine architecture and art.  Dedicated to St. Peter, the chapel features a central basilica with a myriad of Byzantine mosaics, artwork and religious iconography.

Porta Nuova

Porta Nuova

This monumental western city gate stands next to the Norman Palace.  The façade leading to the Corso Vittorio Emanuele has triumphal arches.  On the other side leading to the Corso Calatifimi and Piazza Indipendenza displays the Moors defeated by Charles V. 

Then, backtrack to the Quattro Canti and take Via Maqueda to the Teatro Massimo and Archeological Museum.

Teattro Massimo
Palermo Sicily Walking Tour

Teattro Massimo

From Quattro Canti take Via Maqueda to the Teattro Massimo.  Opened in 1897, this is the largest Opera House in Italy.  And that says a lot, considering Italy is the birthplace of opera.  It’s world renowned for its acoustics and opulence.  They offer guided tours of the interior. The theatre was filmed in the final scenes of The Godfather, Part 3 and The White Lotus

Food Markets


Palermo is legendary for its ancient food markets operating for more than 1,000 years.  The 4 most popular outdoor food markets are Ballaro, Capo, and Vucciria (within walls) and Buorgu viecchiu (outside walls).  Each market is unique with its own personality. They provide authentic places to explore the culinary culture and connect with the local life. 

If you have more time in Palermo…

Palermo Archaeological Museum
Capuchin Abbey and Catacombs
Monte Pellegrino
Monreale Cathedral
Orto Botanico di Palermo
 (Palermo Botanical Garden)

Ciao Bella Palermo!

This ancient city is an absolute treasure.  It’s unbelievable that I never heard about Palermo till this year.  The architecture, food, culture and music are absolutely spectacular.  I can’t wait to come back and discover more about this fabulous city.  If you travel to Palermo and have tips, please leave comments below. 

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