10 Digital Detox Tips on How to Unplug from Technology

by Trudy Wendelin, L.Ac
Mt Rainier Reflection Lake

When I think back 30 years ago, before the digital age, I miss those simpler times and crave it for my well-being.  Then, I know it’s time for a digital detox, to clear the clutter from my mind and reconnect with nature and wellness, not WIFI.  Overall, a digital detox is one of the best things you can do for your health to be more present, connected and relaxed.  First things though for digital detox tips is you need to UNPLUG!

Here are some quick ideas on how to unplug from technology, such as, computers, cellphone and television.  It’s obvious that overuse of technology is not good for your health or relationships.  You don’t need to be addicted to technology to benefit from a digital detox. 

10 Digital Detox Tips on How to Unplug

  1. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails
  2. Leave your phone at home or shut off
  3. Get an alarm clock
  4. Remove app icons on phone
  5. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad
  6. Delete Apps you never use
  7. Disable phone notifications
  8. Schedule time for checking email and social media
  9. Leave your phone and all digital devices outside your bedroom at night
  10. Eat your meals in a room without digital devices
A Walk along water always clears my mind…

Now, you opened up time for something more healthy.  Think more green time and less screen time.  Instead, fill your time with nature, a hobby project or socializing with friends in person. Try replacing social media with time to meet up with a friend for lunch or walk.  How amazing to immerse and share real moments with others and cultivate more authentic bonds.   Also, a wonderful way to break a cycle and reconnect with your health is through bodywork, such as, massage or acupuncture.  Acupuncture even has points for addictive behavior, if that is your concern.

It’s inevitable that to break a cycle of overusing technology, you will need a period of time without it.  Then, you can recharge and come back with a more balanced time management approach for your well-being. 


Unplugging is the first step from a digital detox.  However, then you fill the void with more healthy and productive things to do, like be in nature or with friends.  Also, check out my travel blog: 10 TECH FREE TRAVEL IDEAS FOR A DIGITAL DETOX VACATION

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