Kos, Greece Hippocrates Tour to Asclepieion and Kos Town Highlights

by Trudy Wendelin, L.Ac
Asklepieion Kos Greece

The beautiful Greek Island of Kos is the birthplace of Hippocrates, “Father of Medicine.”  Anyone interested in the art of healing will find this historic treasure inspiring and educational.  The Kos Greece Hippocrates tour is one of the most popular things to do on the island.  Its archeological site offers the remains of one of the world’s first hospitals, where Hippocrates practiced medicine and teaching.  Read on to learn about how to make the most of one day and recount the medical and philosophical legacy of Hippocrates.

As a Spa Acupuncturist on a cruise ship, I enthusiastically explored and researched how to discover the roots of Hippocrates on Kos.  I truly feel blessed to experience Kos and consider my time here as a pilgrimage to Hippocrates and the origins of medicine. 

About Kos or Cos


This small Greek Island is part of the Dodecanese archipelago in the Aegean Sea.  It measures approximately 42 by 11 km (26 by 7 miles).  Kos is the main town and port.  The largest industry is tourism, with archeological sites, beautiful beaches and natural hot springs.   

The “Father of Medicine,” Hippocrates was born in Kos.  Asclepieia were healing temples in ancient Greece dedicated to the God of Health, Asclepius. The Asclepieion in Kos is the healing temple or sanctuary where Hippocrates learned, practiced and taught medicine.  This archeological site is the most visited landmark on the island. It’s said to be the world’s first hospital, dating back to the Trojan War.  According to Greek mythology, Leto, the mother of Apollo was born on Kos.  Later, Apollo’s son, Asclepius, became the “God of Medicine” as referenced in healing temple or Asklepion.

The early 21st century was a sad chapter in Kos.  The town became devastated by an earthquake in 1933.  About the same time the Italian Fascists occupied Kos and constructed modernist buildings.

If you want to learn about the health of a population, look at the air they breathe, the water they drink and the places they live.” -Hippocrates

About Hippocrates

Hippocrates Statue in Kos Town

Known as the “Father of Medicine,” Hippocrates was born in Kos, Greece during the 5th Century BC.  He learned medicine from Herodicus at the Asklepieion and later taught there.  He was a physician, philosopher and teacher during the Classical Period.  His teachings revolutionized Greek medicine and humoral theory.  Its foundation rests on promoting health through harmonizing with nature.  Hippocrates traveled extensively for 12 years to other Greek islands and countries like Macedonia and Egypt to study disease and health. 

His achievements are summarized in the Hippocratic Corpus for health practitioners.  The corpus consists of lectures, textbooks, essays, and research on medicine. It became preserved by the Library of Alexandria in Egypt.   He also contributed to the ethics, settings and behavior of physicians.  Today, his Hippocratic Oath displays in most medical clinics as a moral compass for physicians.

Anything exaggerated is contrary to nature. -Hippocrates

Interestingly, Hippocrates helped lessen the Bubonic Plague in Athens.  He witnessed that ironworkers were not getting sick with the plague.  So, he discovered fire as a disinfectant and organized fires in Athens to prevent spread of disease.  He is one of the first physicians to discover and administer sterilization in his treatment room. 

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Kos Greece Hippocrates Tour
Asclepieion and Plane Tree

Asclepieion of Kos – World’s First Hospital Where Hippocrates Learned Medicine

The Asclepieion of Kos is just 4 km southeast of Kos Town.  An Asclepieion was an ancient healing temple dating back to 3rd Century BC, named after the God, Asclepius.  He was the God of Health and son of Apollo and Coronis.  Asclepieius held the snake-entwined staff, similar to a caduceus, that today remains a symbol of medicine.  Hippocrates learned and practiced medicine at the Asclepieion.

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Temple of Asklepios

The Asclepieion in Kos stood on a hilltop with 3 terraces and steep stairs connecting each.  It is located near natural hot springs that were used for healing. As patients regained health, they elevated to higher terrace.  A popular treatment included ‘temple sleep’, with visions to be visited by Asclepius in their dreams. Priests interpreted dreams, often advising bathing or exercise. Asclepieion became increasingly popular and visitors from all over the world made pilgrimages to experience its healing properties. 

3 Terraces at Asclepieion:

On the lowest terrace there was a stoa shaped as the Greek letter Π. It displays a retaining wall with porticos, in one of which there is a fountain. To the east there is Roman baths (Thermae) dating from the 3rd century AD.

The middle terrace is the oldest structure with ruins dating back to 4th Century BC.  The remains on this level include the Temple of Apollo with 7 restored Corinthian columns and the Ionic Temple of Asclepius.

On the upper terrace stands the Doric Temple of Asclepius in the vestibule of a church, later built in the Byzantine period. The upper terrace represented highest health with panoramic views of Kos Town and harbor.  It lies 11 m higher than the middle terrace.  This terrace also leads to sacred a cypress grove and branches of an aqueduct.

“Walking is a man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates


Kos Greece Hippocrates Tour in Kos Town

Hippocrates Plane Tree

Kos Town is a charming beach town steeped in ancient history.  These are popular landmarks dedicated to Hippocrates:

Hippocrates Tree – This is located on the Platia Plantanou or “Square of the Platane.” in front of Castle of Knight.  The current tree is 500 years old, but may be a descendent of the original tree that stood there 2400 years ago.  The tree became hollowed and held up by scaffolding.    

Hippocrates Statue – Next to the Hippocrates Tree is the statue of Hippocrates holding a staff entwined with a snake.

International Hippocrates Foundation and Museum – This provides educational programs, exhibits, library and museum/garden all dedicated to Hippocrates.

“Our food should be our medicine and
our medicine should be our food.” – Hippocrates

Other Things to Do in Kos Town


Ancient Agora Ruins – This was once the main marketplace in Kos next to the harbor.  The earthquake in 1933 left behind archeological remains, such as mosaics, temples, columns, houses and baths. It is free to walk the area and explore the archeology alongside vibrant bougainvillea. 

Bar street – Alongside the ancient agora this street is bustling with restaurants and bars for day and nightlife.

Eleftherias Central Square or “Freedom Square” – This historic square is where the Italian Fascists built the Casa del Fascio in 1935, a place for propaganda.  Today, this building’s name is the Panhellenion, a complex with a restaurant and cinema.  Also, in this square are the Kos Archeological Museum and Municipal Market.


Kos Archeological Museum – Located in the Plateia Eleftherias, this museum houses sculptures dating back to late Roman and Venetian periods.  It includes mosaics, statues, medicine vessels and surgical instruments from Asclepeion. 

Municipal Market – Located in the Plateia Eleftherias, this indoor market offers fruits and vegetables, olive oil, honey, nuts, cheeses, wine and souvenirs.  It was built after the earthquake in 1933.

Castle of Knights – This medieval castle is a 14th century coastal fortress.  Built by the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes, they used many parts from the Asclepeion and ancient Kos for the castle.  The bridge of the Knights’ Castle connects to the square with the Hippocrates Plane Tree.

Walk Phoinikon Street – This palm-lined promenade goes along the harbor. There are many restaurants and bars al fresco alongside the promenade facing the harbor.

  3 Best Beaches on Kos Island

Mastichari – 20 km from Kos town, this is referred to as the best beach on the island. 
Tigaki – 3 km from Kos town, this beach provides umbrellas, chairs and water sports.
Thermes – 12 km from Kos town, this is a black pebbled beach.

Healthy Travels
Kos Greece Hippocrates Tour

Surrounded by turquoise waters and white-washed architecture with a medieval castle, Kos is a historic sanctuary.  It’s small enough to enjoy without being overwhelmed by transportation.  Overall, the island shows much respect and pride in being the “Birthplace of Hippocrates.”  And most who visit will feel the healing vibe and experience it as a blessed destination. 

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